practical   |   actionable   |   fun   |   tailored to your team's challenges

Dynamic, interactive trainings to help your team improve its public speaking and meeting facilitation skills.

How much more productive and happy could your team be if clear and confident communication became the norm?

Each of my professional development options can be delivered as a stand-alone training or combined and customized to fit your organization's challenges and goals.

Don't see what you need?

As a credentialed teacher who has taught at Stanford University and San Jose State University, I love creating engaging and practical learning opportunities designed around the goals and learning styles of my clients. I'd be happy to meet with you and learn more about your team's needs to tailor the right training solution for your organization!

Jennifer Hennings Public Speaking Training Bay Area


  • Your team members are feeling nervous about presenting on video calls

  • Folks are stressed and anxious about an upcoming presentation

  • Your team needs to connect and engage better with clients in meetings

  • Your team needs help cutting through the details and getting to the point

  • You need your key players to speak more confidently in front of leadership

And if your team is ready to…

  • Speak like a pro on video calls

  • Think and speak on their feet even in front of the CEO

  • Stop rambling and get to the point

  • Organize presentations that are memorable and engaging

  • Represent your company confidently in virtual meetings with new clients

  • Deliver with confidence even when they’re nervous



Connect With Any Audience

When you give a presentation, do people nod their heads as you speak or do they give you confused looks instead? If you want to engage better with your listeners and make them care about what you're saying, this workshop is for you. You’ll learn how to organize your ideas so your message resonates with people in the room, how to write effective notes, and how to practice so you’ll remember what you want to say under pressure. You’ll leave with specific tools to connect with any audience.

Jennifer Hennings Public Speaking Coaching

Speak Like a Pro

Does public speaking make your heart race? Do your palms sweat when you’re presenting at an all-hands meeting or in front of your leadership team? If so, I have good news for you: you’re not alone. And the even better news is that public speaking is a skill you can develop. As a leader, you need to inspire and motivate your team, and this workshop will give you the tools you need to deliver with confidence. Please come prepared to participate and take risks: you’ll have a chance to speak in front of peers and receive feedback. You’ll leave with strategies to make a powerful impact next time you’re in the spotlight.

Jennifer Hennings Public Speaking Coaching

Think and Speak On Your Feet

Boost your executive presence by learning to stay calm under pressure. Leaders need to communicate powerfully on the spot, and nothing else raises the stakes (or the heart rate!) like thinking and speaking on your feet. In this session, you’ll learn to communicate in the most challenging situations, like answering tough questions from employees, managing a “hallway ambush” from your boss, or delivering the dreaded “I don’t know” to key partners or stakeholders. You’ll leave with concrete strategies to speak with confidence and clarity when it matters most.

Don’t see what you need? Call me about a customized training for your team.

Sue Mazzetti
In this virtual environment we have all been thrown into, our membership was asking for a professional development event on how to improve your virtual speaking skills. Jennifer delivered just that! She connected well with the audience and provided practical tips that were easy to implement.

I highly recommend Jennifer to anyone seeking to hone their virtual presentation skills.
— Sue Mazzetti, VP Programs, Financial Women of San Francisco





Group trainings by a seasoned speaking expert that are fun, interactive, engaging, playful, practical, dynamic, dialogue/conversation based, specific, actionable, challenging, useful, rooted in the real world, energetic, enthusiastic, and above all...

precisely tailored to your team's needs.

I've helped thousands of professionals overcome their communication challenges since 2003.

My clients come from organizations like Google, Apple, Stanford Graduate School of Business, SAP, SV Bank, Box, Pfizer, Gilead, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, and various start-ups in Silicon Valley.

I used to be nervous about judgment from other people, which led me to ramble and sound uncertain. With this workshop, recognizing my own tendency to up-speak was huge.

Your warm attitude made it easier to be vulnerable while learning these new skills in front of my coworkers.

Though the changes won’t happen overnight, I am excited to practice the techniques we learned in the course and improve my communication with my team.
— Carolyn S., R&D Engineer at Medical Device Company